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  1. L

    SvenCoop "No Regret"

    So uhm, I guess after a long time thinking if I do it or not I guess I finally managed to start working on it. This is a project I have been working on for a few weeks now (about 5) but I actually wanted to start years ago. Right now, it's just a private project, that means it probably doesn't...
  2. L

    Window Color Silencer

    Hey guys, remember the crusader pumpkin? Well it gave me an idea. My mother is painting all those window color pictures depending on which time of the year it is and I thought: hey, what would a window color silencer look like? Well here is the result  :D
  3. L

    No Remorse Weasel had a good day

    I know I read somewhere here on this site that its possible for weasel to have a "good day" and sells every weapon for 0 credits. I don't wanted to believe that because it never happened to me in all the gaming years of Crusader but today I played Crusader on No Remorse difficulty again and...
  4. L

    Crusader: No Regret video ^^

    Hey guys, I made a new crusader video showcasing the first map of No Regret a bit. Because I have just begun to play it again I thought why not make a video?  ;) Just wanted to let you know. Have Fun  :)
  5. L

    Happy Birthday Robotophe!

    I hope thats right. At least the site says it so  ;D So happy birthday mate  ;)