General Textures Discussion


New member
This is a general "textures needed" topic. I can do a little bit of texturing myself, but it would speed up things a lot if I had help. So if there is someone with a knack for texturing and some spare time, here's some tiles you might be interested in drawing. :)

General info on textures

File format: Targa (.tga)
Size: power of two, but not necessarily a square, with 512 pixels = 128 Hammer units or approx. 3 meters or 10 feet in the gameworld
ONE material per texture! There can be different colors and shapes as long as they are the same material (metal, concrete, wood, etc).

Textures needed

Door #1


A double door, like the one you enter the first room through. While drawing up the textures for this, bear in mind the geometry I have for it actually looks like this, so the shape is quite a bit easier for texturing. I need one texture for the stationary bits and two for the sliding bits. Metallic, height: 512 pixels

Floor #1 Finished by Hellhound


Featured in the first room where you disable the laser barrier. Probably concrete, 512 x 512 pixels. Shape is symmetric so can be rotated in Hammer (no need for pre-rotated versions).

Floor #2 Finished by Jupix


Floor #3 Finished by Hellhound


Steps. Probably benefits a lot from bump or parallax mapping. Looks like 256 x 64 pixels.


I need this badly! Obviously it's the elevator for the first room and its base. Probably better to skip the lights, I think they can be done with entities. Metallic, 512 x 256

Re: Textures

ok, here is the wall texture. Try to use it for the wall so far. I'll add detailes (those holes in yellow section of the texture) later. So far I guess this is the closest texture of the wall I can draw lol. Note those metalic parts on top and bottom, they are used in game on the texture as well. Put it inside game and give me a screenshot, so I can see if there any corrections are needed, ok?

Re: Textures

Here is floor texture. 100% done. Made it big, so you can resize it and tile to any size you need practicaly ;) 512x512 Let me know how it looks like in the game.

Re: Textures

Hi, i thikn the black holes aren't needed. In the other angel you don't see them.
But nevertheless i am also not sure wether its a kind of fence or a type of brick with a cavity.
The last one could be made by an bump map i guess.
Re: Textures

While Cyb is creating some wall/floor textures
I started with some simple decals of the first level

Re: Textures

Cyb, those are absolutely brilliant! Check this out:

I took the liberty of fiddling with them a little (I added the vertical girder in the wall texture and created a checkerboard pattern of 2 different shades of blue for the floor, otherwise they're original... Cheers! (If you want a test pack, just say the word, I'll build one.)
Re: Textures

Hellhound link said:
While Cyb is creating some wall/floor textures
I started with some simple decals of the first level


Hey, thanks!

I imported them all and they work like a charm. About the blue hazard sign, though - I already have that, and Cyb voiced some interest in doing a redraw of it, so we'll see which one ends up in the mod.

I'll post some screenshots of the decals later, now I'm a bit tired from doing all that texture converting..
Re: Textures

ohh ya Jup, I would love to have another test build to see how the things look like inside the game.
Re: Textures

Jupix link said:
Cyb, those are absolutely brilliant! Check this out:

I took the liberty of fiddling with them a little (I added the vertical girder in the wall texture and created a checkerboard pattern of 2 different shades of blue for the floor, otherwise they're original... Cheers! (If you want a test pack, just say the word, I'll build one.)

This is unbelievable. I know it's only the first room, but the work you guys are doing is phenomenal. Please keep it going!!
Re: Textures

Jup, I'll work on the texture more (wall one). So later you will have final version.

btw the build crashed when I approached PC. It was floating in the air. Is it the way it should be?

But all in all everything looks ok, however it's very dark in some corners. the original map is much brighter. So I couldn't get up on the elevator.

First i used switch to call elevator down than approached PC and crashed on the stairs hhehe.
Re: Textures

Yeah, the crash is caused by ingame VGUI panels being broken in Half-Life 2. I've fixed them in Regret.

And yeah, it's dark in some places. I know. :D
Re: Textures

so far looks very very nice. The level geometry fully reflects the original level.

I also noticed that my wall section model due to it's texture looks quite odd there. When I finish the wall texture, I'll edit the wall section model to give it more closer look. Will change a model a bit and of coure will change a texture.
Hi All. Whats texture needed? I want help your team.

I think needed more ligth in room.

Sorry for my English. I'm in Russia
ohh hey man, I'm also russian, so there should be no communication troubles man ;)

you may check here -

the big map of the level. Look at wall, floor textures. Try to create some of those and show us your work. That will be the start.
Hi all. Do you need this:

Need Text to add this image:

How about this texture Cyberion & team?
if your need psd format i can send it, but i don't know adress.
not bad at all. Not bad.

It's up to Jupix to say his word, but I think we can get you in our team if you are willing to work on this project.
Sure we could use some new decals. Textures are a higher priority though.

Those two, I like the stop symbol. The RESTRICTED one looks a tad crude though, though hard to say with certainty as imageshack is acting up again.

I'll make you an account at the file repo.